
$ databudgie [--strict] backup

At a high level, the backup command is:

  • Connecting to the database given by the backup.url connection string

  • Iterating over the set of matching tables given by backup.tables

  • Executing the query given by backup.tables.query for each matching table

  • Saving the result, including additional other data such as the DDL (if enabled), or sequence state information (if enabled) to the location given by backup.tables.location.

See Backup Config for more details on the particulars behind the config.

The --strict option will cause databudgie to exit if it encounters an error backing up a specific table, otherwise it will attempt to proceed to other tables.

Sample backup configuration:

  url: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres
  manifest: public.databudgie_manifest
    - name: public.product
      query: "select * from public.product where store_id = 4"
      location: s3://my-s3-bucket/databudgie/public.product
    - name: public.sales
      query: "select * from public.sales where store_id = 4"
      location: s3://my-s3-bucket/databudgie/public.sales