
The “manifest” table is an optional feature of Databudgie. It will record an audit log of backup/restore operations that are performed.

Add manifest config options to your backup and restore sections:

  manifest: public.databudgie_manifest

Both the backup and restore commands accept a --backup-id or --restore-id option to continue a transaction which may have previously crashed in progress. Tables which already have manifest entries for the transaction id will be skipped.

We provide a convenience function to automatically define the manifest table on your metadata (which you can wrap in a declarative model, if you need to), so that, for example alembic can automatically create it for you.

Alternatively, you can minimally define a table with (at least) the columns:

  • transaction (Integer)

  • action (String)

  • table (String)

  • file_path (String)

from sqlalchemy import MetaData

from databudgie.manifest import create_manifest_table

metadata = MetaData()
manifest_table = create_manifest_table(metadata, 'databudgie_manifest')

# alternatively

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()
manifest_table = create_manifest_table(Base.metadata, 'databudgie_manifest')

# even more alternatively

class DatabudgieManifest(Base):  # type: ignore
    __table__ = create_manifest_table(Base.metadata, tablename="databudgie_manifest")